Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Touch of a Season

Like summer breezes they feel good on your face cooling
you down but making your heart race. Followed by a lower season,

that moves and sways, just as beautiful as a snow flake
dancing in the craze. As two others built like trees lift your soul up high,

only to bring you close, by their side. Feel the warm embrace,
just like a spring's embrace, letting you know, it'll be ok, and love will blossom,

soon one day...

Love Sits

love sits on the wound that sees the darkness of tommorrow,
building hopes upthen tearing them down as if it were neverthere,

never mattering to anyone else but to those that hurt and to those that hurt.
Either way you look at each person feels bad either hurting someone else with the immortal

words of we need to talk followedby we're breaking up,and on the other sideby having to hear those words.but in the end all you can do is cry,after you'll soon learn to move on and finally say


Monday, October 15, 2007

still at the mansion in jaimaica, the house was so inspiring.
even though there was a lot of evil in the house, you could
feel the little bits innoscence still left there.

I'm trying to improve my photography skills when it somes
to non-living items, mainly because when the "focus" of the
picture is moving about in its natural form, you can capture
the moment, whether it's happy, sad, depressing, etc.

It's real, w/still or posed objects, the "magic" is just not there.
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I love taking pictures of antiques, knowing that I was standing near historic items, and in places where major events happend.

I took this in Jaimaica, in the house of the white witch of jaimaica,

there's something about the chandelier that had this kind of "umphf" to it, like it set off the whole room, the picture alone can't capture it, but if you ever get the cahnce you should see it in "person"
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The waves, the breeze,
the air, the eaze.

lose control, free your soul,
for just a moment
in time,

your heart will shine.
Your cares

Your worries, are no more
when buried.
In the sand, or the sea,
try and you'll see

Sunday, October 14, 2007

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A collage of my peeps.
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